Setup training datasets
This function sets up training datasets for use in machine learning models.
- query_cds
A cell data set (cds) to query.
- ref_cds
A reference cell data set (cds).
- ref_celldata_col
The column in the reference cell data set containing cell data.
- norm_method
The normalization method to use. Options are "log", "binary", "size_only", or "none".
- selected_genes
A vector of pre-selected genes for analysis.
- train_frac
The fraction of data to use for training.
- tf_idf
Boolean indicating whether to perform TF-IDF transformation.
- scale
Boolean indicating whether to scale the data.
- LSImethod
The method for Latent Semantic Indexing.
- verbose
Boolean indicating whether to display verbose output.
- addbias
Boolean indicating whether to add bias.
- return_type
The type of output to return. Options are "list", "matrix", or "S4obj".
- ...
Additional arguments.