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This function exports the data from a Seurat object into a 10X Genomics-style format. The output includes files for the expression matrix, feature (gene) information, barcodes, metadata, UMAP (or other reductions), and variable features. These files are written in a compressed format where applicable.


make3file(seu, assay = "RNA", dir, get_reductions = TRUE)



A Seurat object containing the data to be exported.


A character string indicating which assay to use from the Seurat object. Default is "RNA".


A character string specifying the directory where the output files will be saved. The directory must already exist.


Logical, whether to include cell embeddings from reductions (e.g., UMAP, PCA, etc.) in the output. Default is TRUE.


The function does not return a value. It writes several files as a side effect.


The function creates several files in a subdirectory called 3file within the specified directory:

  • matrix.mtx.gz: A compressed MatrixMarket file containing the assay data (expression matrix).

  • features.tsv.gz: A tab-separated file with feature (gene) information, including gene names.

  • barcodes.tsv.gz: A tab-separated file with cell barcodes.

  • meta.csv: A CSV file containing metadata from the Seurat object.

  • <reduction>_reduction.tsv.gz: A compressed file with cell embeddings for each reduction (e.g., UMAP, PCA), if get_reductions is set to TRUE.

  • variablefeatures.tsv.gz: A compressed file listing the variable features.

If reductions (like UMAP or PCA) are present in the Seurat object and get_reductions is TRUE, the cell embeddings from each reduction will be written to separate files in the format <reduction>_reduction.tsv.gz. If the UMAP or PCA embeddings are not found in the Seurat object and get_reductions is set to TRUE, the function will issue a warning but will still generate the other files. The function will create the 3file subdirectory within the specified directory if it doesn't exist.


if (FALSE) {
seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10))
make3file(seu, assay = "RNA", dir = "output_directory")

# Export Seurat object with reductions
make3file(seu, assay = "RNA", dir = "output_directory", get_reductions = TRUE)

# Export Seurat object without reductions
make3file(seu, assay = "RNA", dir = "output_directory", get_reductions = FALSE)